Fangirl is a contemporary young adult novel written by Rainbow Rowell. The story follows Cath Avery, an eighteen year old girl who just started college. She's fan of Simon Snow, kind of like the Harry Potter books. With her twin-sister Wren, Cath writes fan fiction. Cath is famous on there, anonymously as Magicath. But now they're going to college and Wren is done with Simon Snow and decides to room with another person. Cath is very uncomfortable with these changes, but she'll get through it right? Or not? Not only does Cath meet incredible friends and maybe a possible boyfriend. She reconnects with Wren and everything seems to fall back in place. Read more
Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy. It's the noblest, like the most courageous thing two people can do.
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